Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
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Parking FAQs

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The further in advance you book, the more you save. 今天在DFW机场预订停车场领取您的节省,可节省高达50%. Subject to availability.

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How Prebooked Parking Works

Q: How does Prebooked Parking Online work?  How do I book parking online?
  • Visit selfservice.reiberschurch.com/park.
  • Enter your information as prompted (e.g.,出发 日期/时间,返回日期/时间,航空公司,优惠码). 根据您的搜索日期,将显示打折的停车产品.
  • 选择您想要购买的产品并按照提示操作. 您将需要您的车牌号码,以完成您的购买.
  • 按照网站上的常见问题说明,详细了解如何使用收费标签或生成的QR码进出机场. Video instructions are also available.  
Q. 我应该在何时设定预先订好的停车预约时间进出停车场?

我们建议您至少在出发银河电子app彩票前3小时和回程银河电子app彩票后3小时预订您的在线预订停车位. This will give you flexibility to arrive early, 或者可能计划银河电子app彩票延误/取消或异常天气.

Q. I prebooked online; do I have to specify what Terminal I am flying out of? 有什么特别的地方需要停车吗?我的车位有预留吗?
  • Please note for Terminal, Express Covered, Express Uncovered and Remote, you will not be assigned a specific parking space, but one will be available to you.

  • 如果您预订了航站楼停车位并购买了指定给特定航站楼的航站楼产品, you must park in the specified Terminal garage, in any long-term space. 如果您预订了Terminal并购买了通用的Terminal产品, without any mention of a specific terminal, 您可以将车停在所有5个航站楼车库内的任何可用的长期停车位上.

  • When you prebook for Remote South, Express Covered or Express Uncovered, you must park in the parking product specified.

Q. 一旦我到达机场,我可以离开,然后在同一预订回来吗?


Once you have entered through the toll gates, 您的预订将在您离开后被标记为已完成, 之后重新进入机场将会被收取你停车的停车场的开车加速费.

Q. How far in advance can I prebook parking?


Q. 我可以对同一辆车有多个预定吗?


Q. 预订车位最少需要停留多久?


Q. 预约泊车位的最长停留时间是多久?

The maximum parking stay is thirty (30) days.

Q. 你还有其他问题吗?

您可以在周一至周五上午8:00银河电子app彩票的客户服务中心.M‐4:15 P.M. at +1-972-973-3112.

Changes to an Existing Booking

Q. 我可以更改预先预订的停车位吗?

Yes, 您可以在预订开始时间前一(1)小时更改您的预订.

Please click here to make changes to your reservation.

Q. What if I need to cancel?

您可以在您的预订到达时间开始前一(1)小时内随时取消您的预订,并获得全额退款. To do so, you can click here 或点击确认邮件上的“修改预订”链接,然后取消或修改.

Q. Can I drive a vehicle different from the reservation?

Modifications to your reservation, such as your license plate, 必须在您的预订到达时间前至少1小时通过 "Find My Prebooked Parking" feature on the DFW Airport Prebooked Parking site. This change can be made with no additional fee. 如果您乘坐的车辆与预订的车辆不同,您将按所公布的停车费收取费用.

Q: How do I extend my stay?

A: Log in to your MyDFW account 并导航到“我的停车位预订”查看您的预订. Click on “Manage Bookings.如果你的金沙电子app彩票已经开始(并且正在进行中),你会看到一个延长停车的选项. This option will not be available for future trips.

Q. *需要协助预订泊车位或更改已预订泊车位的日期?


To cancel or modify a reservation, go to "Find My Prebooked Parking" or click here. 您需要付款确认电子邮件中的确认号码和您在付款过程中提供的电子邮件地址才能访问此文件.

To create a reservation, please visit the Prebooked Parking page or the DFW Airport app.

Q: Can I shorten my stay?

A: Yes. 你可以在金沙电子app彩票开始后缩短住宿时间,但退款会缩短 not be issued if the total price is reduced.


A: 如果你想延长(而不是缩短)你的停留时间, and the new exit date/time results in a lower price, then a $0 charge/free extension will result.

Q: I don’t see an option to extend my stay. Does that mean I can’t extend my trip?

A: The “Extend Stay按钮只会在您预定到达后和预定离开前出现. You can modify your booking before your trip starts, 或者你可以在金沙电子app彩票开始后使用“延长停车”选项.


A: No. 金沙电子app彩票只能在您预定的出境日期/时间之前延长.


A: Yes. Search for your reservation using the “Find My Prebooked Parking” 功能,并输入用于预订的电子邮件和预订参考或预订ID. 只要你的金沙电子app彩票已经开始,你就可以选择延长你的停留时间.



Q: I prebooked a specific terminal; can I park in another terminal?

不,请把车停在预定的候机楼. 将车停在其他候机楼将收取额外费用. 您可以通过Terminal Link穿梭巴士或Skylink前往所有航站楼. 在路边有指定的终点站接驳车,Skylink可以通过安检进入.

Arriving at the Airport

Q. What are the garage clearances?
Terminal AHeight
Gates 1-156'10"
Gates 16-256'11"
Gates 26-396'3"

Terminal BHeight
Gates 1-177'2"
Gates 18-256'0"
Gates 26-396'0"

Terminal CHeight
Gates 1-146'0"
Gates 15-256'1"
Gates 26-396'11"

Terminal DHeight
Gates 1-406'2"

Terminal EHeight
Gates 1-96'10"
Gates 10-186'0"
Gates 19-396'8"
Q. 非客运大楼停车场的实际地址是什么?
  • Express North:
    1800 Express North Parking
    DFW Airport, Texas 75261
  • Express South:
    2561 Express South Parking
    DFW Airport, Texas 75261
  • Remote South:
    2400 South Airfield Drive
    DFW Airport, Texas 75261
Q. Which lane do I use when I arrive at the airport?

If you had an issue when entering the airport, and took a ticket from the machine, 请使用“只收现金”通道与服务人员交谈,并向他们出示您的预付泊车预约.


Q. 如果我进机场时遇到问题,拿了一张机票怎么办? Will my reservation still work when I try to exit?

No, 离开机场时,请使用“仅限现金”通道与服务人员交谈,并向他们出示您的预付停车位预订.

Q. 预付费网站说很多车都卖完了,我还能在那里停车吗?

Yes, 我们在网上出售有限数量的车位,以确保没有预先预订的客户仍然可以找到停车位.

然而,所有的客户都将支付停车收费,这是可以找到的 here under each product.

Q. What is the QR code in the confirmation email for?


如果门没有自动打开几秒钟后,当你拉起来, 然后,请扫描您的电子邮件确认中的二维码进入和/或退出.

Q. What do I need to enter the parking lot if I prebooked?

请在手机上准备好您在电子邮件确认中收到的QR码. 收费站会在你停车后的几秒钟内自动打开. 如果没有,请扫描二维码通过收费站. Do not pull a ticket.

Q. How do I use my prebooked parking to enter the airport?

Once you have received your booking confirmation, 你可以放心,因为你的停车需求得到了满足.

您如何使用您的预订进出DFW机场将取决于您是否有收费标签. 在机场停车场使用收费标签的说明已列明 HERE.


If you have a TollTag on your vehicle:

  • 使用与您的访问相关的汽车和相同的收费标签正常进出DFW机场.
  • 您的收费标签将只与您预先预订的停车确认和 will NOT be charged for your parking stay. 您的收费标签可以让您以最快的速度进出DFW机场.
  • Click HERE 观看如何使用收费标签预约停车的短视频.
  • 进入DFW机场后,请将车停在您预定的停车场(航站楼或快线).
  • 任何超过您预定的离开时间4小时的时间,将按照DFW机场公布的停车费向您收取通行费.

If you are issued a QR Code at the time of your payment:

  • Enter via any lane
  • Stop at the entry barrier
  • 使用售货亭上的条形码/二维码阅读器扫描您的预付费确认二维码. (located on the bottom left)
  • 当QR码读取成功时,QR阅读器上的指示灯将变为绿色.
  • Click HERE 观看如何使用二维码预订停车位的短视频.
  • 进入DFW机场后,请将车停在您预定的停车场(航站楼或快线).
  • 任何超过您预定的离开时间4小时的时间,将按DFW机场公布的停车费收费,并在离开时收取费用.
QR code scan for parking
Q. 当我尝试在线预订时,网站显示“售罄”. 如果我没有网上预约,我开车过来还能享受停车折扣吗? And will there be parking available?

No, 如果没有网上预订,您将得不到折扣, and the drive-up regular rates will apply. Please click HERE for current parking availability.

Payment, Promos & Refunds

Q. 是否可使用收费标签帐户缴付预先订位的泊车费用?

No, 您必须在网上预订您的停车位,这涉及到用信用卡/借记卡预付停车费. 完成后,您可以使用收费标签进入南或北停车广场.

Q. 我在网上看到一个特价广告,但是我看不到折扣.


如果您没有看到价格,请确保您输入的促销代码正确. If you still do not see the discounted rate, 那么,我们就可以放心地假设,贴现利率对所讨论的日期是不可用的.

Q. 如果我的行程提前结束,我可以得到未使用部分的停车预订的部分退款吗?


Q. 一旦我到达机场,我可以离开,然后在同一预订回来吗?


Once you have entered through the toll gates, 您的预订将在您离开后被标记为已完成, 之后重新进入机场将会被收取你停车的停车场的开车加速费.

Q. If I park valet after prebooking, can I get reimbursed?

是的,请银河电子app彩票的客户服务要求退款周一至周五上午8:00.M – 4:15 P.M. at +1-972-973-3112.

Q. 当我在网上预订时,是马上收费还是在我离开停车场时收费?

Your credit card will be charged at the time of payment.

Q. 什么付款方式可以接受预订?


Q. 在预定网站上看到的停车费是否有额外的税费?

No, 当你搜索你想要的行程时,所有相关的费用和税收都包含在价格中.

Q: I made a reservation, 但我决定乘另一种交通工具去机场, 我没有使用的预订可以退款吗?

These situations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please call us at +1-972-973-3112 and choose option 1.

Questions or Concerns?

您可以在周一至周五上午8:00至下午4:15 通过电话或电子邮件与我们联系. 请包括:您的姓名、付款参考号码、行程中使用的车牌号.

Call Us +1-972-973-3112


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